In the bustling city of Mumbai, there lived a young woman named Anya who felt lost and unsure of her path in life. One day, she decided to seek the guidance of a renowned coach named Coach Sanjay, who was known far and wide for his wisdom and ability to transform lives.

Anya nervously entered Coach Sanjay’s cosy office, filled with curiosity and hope. Coach Sanjay greeted her warmly and invited her to sit down. “Tell me, Anya, what brings you here today?” he asked with a gentle smile.

Anya poured her heart out, expressing her dreams, fears, and uncertainties. Coach Sanjay listened intently, nodding empathetically as Anya shared her story. “I understand, Anya. Let’s embark on a journey together,” Coach Sanjay said, her eyes started sparkling with determination.

Coach Sanjay introduced Anya to the GROW model, a roadmap for setting and achieving goals. “First, we must clarify your goals,” Coach Sanjay explained. Together, they crafted a vision for Anya’s future, outlining her aspirations and desires.

As they moved through the stages of the GROW model – exploring the current reality, brainstorming options, and solidifying commitment – Anya began to gain clarity and confidence. With Coach Sanjay’s guidance, she uncovered her strengths, addressed her challenges, and developed a concrete plan of action.

But Coach Sanjay didn’t stop there. He also introduced Anya to the COACH model, encouraging her to delve deeper into her values and beliefs. Through introspection and self-discovery, Anya gained a newfound sense of purpose and direction.

With each coaching session, Anya’s transformation became more evident. She embraced the Solutions-Focused Coaching model, focusing on her strengths and successes rather than dwelling on setbacks. And with the support of Coach Sanjay, she learned to reframe her perspective and overcome obstacles with resilience and determination.

In the end, Anya emerged from her coaching journey stronger, wiser, and more empowered than ever before. With a renewed sense of purpose and a clear roadmap for the future, she set out to conquer her dreams and make a difference in the world. And it was all thanks to the power of coaching models and the guidance of a wise coach named Coach Sanjay.


Sanjeev specializes in Leadership Sourcing, Assessment, Development, and Talent Management for purpose-driven organizations that seek to have an impact beyond the bottom line. He is also an Executive Coach for leaders to find their unique calling in professional and personal life. He has been a Global Human Resources Professional with strong credentials in building a world-class organization for 35+ years. As the Global HR Head of an MNC, he built global HR systems across 4 continents, 31 countries, and 110 manufacturing sites for taking care of 20,000+ employees from 73 nationalities. He has also worked at Reliance ADA Group and at Tata Steel.

He is certified by the Institute of Directors, Thailand & Australia on Corporate Governance, Lumina Sparkä Practitioner, Coach for Life USAä certified coach, and ICF-ACC. He is faculty at XIMB and ex-faculty at XLRI and SPJIMR. He loves writing and speaking at global forums. He is an alumnus of IIM-A & BHU and a life-long learner.